Sunday, 24 October 2010

Aging with Dignity - Old is just a state of mind!

Various estimates say that today the average duration of life is about 70 years for women and somewhat less for men.

Some believe that the human body is made to withstand a century and we can live up to one hundred years.

Until recently infectious diseases have been the greatest scourge to the human race, but now heart disease and cancer have taken over as the number one impediment to a long life.

With advances in medicine and healthier living styles we could all reach 100 within a couple of generations.

Quality is as important if not more important than quantity, so it is just as important to add life to your years as it is adding years to your life.

We should enjoy every moment of our extended life if we can achieve one.
It is useless to add years to life if we can't enjoy them . In fact if that extended part of your life is not enjoyable it would end up being a burden.

As we all know the greatest period of physical and mental activity is during the early years of life, usually from 18 to 30 years. The experiences we gather from the time we are born help us to use our physical and mental abilities more wisely, so that beyond 30 years we are able to perform increasingly well in spite of slowly slipping vigor.

After age 50 experience is no longer able to offset the rapid loss of energy and therefore aging begins to assert itself noticeably in many ways.

A number of things happen gradually, people need eyeglasses in their forties need them for reading, and in the fifties they may need bifocals.

Also after forty, people tend to put on weight because there is a slowdown in the oxidation rate of the aging body tissue. Also we tend to do less strenuous work but don't reduce the amount of food we consume.

After fifty there is likely to be some loss of hearing.

The high-pitched tones go first, so words with the sounds of F, S, and TH are confused. If vanity permits a hearing aid may be needed.

Aging is accompanied by a loss in physical and mental agility.

We notice a tendency to become stiff in the joints.
Slower to comeback after a strenuous trip, excessive "night life," or hard work; also a slowdown in the time it takes wounds to heal.

We notice our muscles get sore, and we are susceptible to sprains; we notice a slower recovery after an illness; and we are more set in our ways and find it difficult to adjust to new people, new places, and new ideas.

Men, especially, will notice a loss of muscular strength.
They become increasingly more unsteady and more clumsy, the stride in waking will become shorter.

However, performance and ability of the elderly has been underestimated and can be greatly improved by a proper diet, sleep and regular exercise along with rest and relaxation.

Some elderly people tend to lose their joy and will to live and chronic worriers may mope around and withdraw.

Medical authorities say that laughter is one of the best medicines for the elderly.
You can always keep your sense of humor tuned up by surrounding yourself with pleasant and interesting people.

Just act your age and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself even when no else is around.

We all know the role that physical activity plays in our lives, remember to exercise every day.

The joints must be used or quite simply they will cease to function properly, creating that stooped worn out appearance we so often associate with the elderly.

Talk with your Doctor before starting on a exercise regime try to keep yourself flexible and fit consistent with your ability.

Unfortunately growing old is a fact of life, there are no magic potions that we can use, no quick fixes.

However, there are measures that you can take to avoid your skin aging prematurely.

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and it is essential that we care for it properly otherwise our complexion and quality of our skin can deteriorate very quickly. It is a fact of nature that women grow older quicker than men. This is due to the hormonal changes that take place in our body over our lifetime, most especially during puberty and the menopause.

The best ways to look after you skin is to eat healthily and drink plenty of water. This can help reduce the amount of elastin that is lost from your skin. Avoid foods such as refined carbohydrates as they do nothing for your waist line or your skin.

For the ladies another great way to look after your skin is to invest in a good quality moisturiser and cleanser which can assist the skin in rejuvenating itself. Also ensure that your moisturiser has an Sun Protection Factor in it to protect from the sun's rays.

Who wants to grow old?

In our mind's eye we see "old" as being a negative thing...though once you start adding years to your own age "old" keeps getting, well, older.

"It's just a number!" I hear proclaimed by those who've crossed the threshold sooner than I.
But I think we need to think of "old" in a different way.

Maybe you conjured up a picture of what "old" looks like when you were a child.

Remember Uncle Ed or Aunt Edith? They looked as if they were one step from becoming a piece of petrified wood when you were, say, 7 years old.
But the older you become...the younger they seem.

How old are you, really? Are there people your age who look older than you?

Are there people your age who look younger than you? Look at those around you who are your age.

Are people your more agile, doing more, experiencing life more than you? If so, think about who you want to be and how you can take steps to live your life differently

What do you want to do by the time you reach 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100?

"One hundred?" you say? Sure, why not.

Make a list of things you would like to accomplish before you leave this earth.

It doesn't have to be anything like "sky-dive" or "catch a shark" while deep-sea fishing.

It can be something like making a legacy quilt, learning how to make your own jelly.

Or, learning how to change the oil in your car, finishing that model car with your son or grandson...even though he his now in his 30s.

You get the point. What have you put off in doing until you get more time?

Write it down and make goals. Set deadlines for each activity

Get your own house in order

Create/Update your will, and assign who gets what when you are no longer around.
Do this now so you won't need to worry about it later.

Also, make sure there are no "wrongs" left to be made right.
Take care of those things immediately

Evaluate your nutrition and exercise

What more can you do

Become a mentor

If you have children, grandchildren, have people to mentor.

The neighbor's youngin', a younger person at church or in your social circle who would be blessed with your knowledge.

Teaching keeps you young.
Pour out of your heart, what has been in there so long...don't let it get rusty!

Enjoy life
Live the life you have.
It may not be perfect but it is the only life you have.
Think about all the positive things around you, and focus on those.

Most young people do not think about "growing old", which is understandable...
For they have yet to experience the reality of "growing old" in the sense of declining in one's physical strength and mental capabilities

For them getting older has always meant getting better as they draw closer to the peak of their physical maturity
If they talk about "growing old", it is often with disdain for the way many people spend their golden years...

Discontented with life  Set in their ways

Bitter towards many people -- There is often truth in what the young say about the old:
"Some old women and men grow bitter with age. The more their teeth drop out the more biting they get."

This has prompted many young people to say: "I will never be like that when I get old!"

But growing old gracefully does not happen by accident
Unless one understands and apply certain principles while young, the chances are great that he or she will become like the elderly they are quick to despise --

Getting older used to mean giving up a lot of things you enjoy, but not anymore.

Research shows that people who stay active in life age better and more gracefully than those who simply stop enjoying life.

There's no age limit when it comes to learning, doing sports or finding love again.

Take up an activity join a social club If single start dating.

Defy social conventions by doing what you love, no matter what your age.

As you get older, your body goes through a lot of normal changes that may seem intimidating at first.
You lose speed, agility and strength as you age, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should give up exercising or staying in shape.
Instead, switch your focus to activities that are gentler on your body, such as yoga, walking or cycling.

There are many ways to hold on to your youth, but dressing in short skirts is not necessarily one of them.

While there are no rules as to what people of a certain age should wear, there are some clothes that can make you look as if you're trying too hard.

A balanced diet can ward off many diseases associated with old age, including diabetes, cataracts and even high blood pressure.

Talk to your doctor about supplements and vitamins, and make sure you drink enough water to keep your body well hydrated and your digestive system working.

Step classes would be too hard on your joints, but water aerobics have next to no impact and offer a great way
for seniors to do resistance training.
I recently met a female friend who is 60 +.

She is in incredible shape & has great style but is caught in the trap of getting older & being unsure what to do about it.

She had thought about getting cosmetic surgery, but was disturbed when she realised that if people with more money than sense can end up with hideously botched work, what would happen to someone like her?

Some things are worth dying for — & some are not. Cosmetic surgery falls into the latter.

It is so unnecessary.
You’re getting old: you know it & we know it too. No amount of cosmetic surgery is going to hide that fact.

She is never going to be a senior citizen in my eyes — she takes great care of herself.
Nobody likes wrinkles, but they are going to happen.
It’s just a fact of life.

You should be happy you have wrinkles — it means you’re not dead!

You should always stay true to yourself, regardless of age.
Eat well.

Keep your mind active
I am convinced that a lot of people die soon after retiring just because they’re bored.

Have fun & use your noggin! I read some research on living longer & it said that if you keep thinking, developing your intellect & stay socially engaged, you can increase your IQ even as you’re aging.

Quit smoking.It’s stinky, expensive & it kills you.

Not to mention it wreaks havoc on your skin.

Forget Cosmetic procedures

Women with the face of a 25 year old & the hands of an 80 year old are more terrifying & ghastly than any woman who has gone the natural route

Be versatile & honest with yourself

No one is judging you because you’re getting older.
Seriously. Most people will admire someone who is honest enough that they don’t need to cover up their age.
Another thing about being versatile: be brave enough to examine your wardrobe & get rid of what is not working for you anymore.

My advice on aging gracefully, work on your personality, not on your appearance.

The way you feel about life really is reflected in your face.
If you’re sad or angry, you will contort your face accordingly.
The more you do it, the more lined your face will become.

We have all seen people with mouths that resemble a cat’s bum from years of pursing their lips in ire.

If you’re happy & smile a lot, people will react much more strongly to the warmth you emit than the lines around your eyes.
I know everyone wants a quick fix, I can’t tell you what to do. Be true to yourself, look after yourself, love yourself & let yourself evolve. That is really the best advice.

I couldn't leave this topic without linking to something humourous

The Wrinkle Manifesto from the website Tightly Wound

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed this. Good point about enjoying life because it's the only one you have!
